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[matlabHistogram equalization

Description: Histogram equalization-Image Processing
Platform: | Size: 607 | Author: doricevince@gmail.com | Hits:

[Special EffectsHistogram equalization程序

Description: 将两张不清楚的图用Histogram equalization变为清楚
Platform: | Size: 129810 | Author: touchhand | Hits:

[Graph program数字图像的直方图均衡化(C-C++源代码)

Description: 用OpenCV实现直方图均化-with histogram equalization
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 叶磊 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMySplit2

Description: 直方图均衡化,vc图像处理初学者分厂有用-histogram equalization, vc image processing plants useful to beginners
Platform: | Size: 4088832 | Author: 解新梅 | Hits:

[Ftp ClientDIBerteAPI

Description: 3.2: Histogram equalization: Show the histogram and the image after the Histogram equalization, then compare the original map and the map processed
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 王军 | Hits:

[Browser PluginsGIFAPI

Description: 3.2: Histogram equalization: Show the histogram and the image after the Histogram equalization, then compare the original map and the map processed
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 王军 | Hits:

[Graph program图像处理课程设计

Description: 用MFC编写,实现的功能有: i. 打开256色的BMP格式的图像文件: ii. 图像的傅立叶变换: iii. 直方图均衡化: iv. 图像的中值滤波 v. 图像的边缘检测 vi. 几何变换 vii. 哈夫 曼编码查看: viii. 直方图查看 ix. 用哈夫曼压缩方法对图像进行压缩并生成压缩文件 另外还有课设论文及重要模块流程图。有一定 的参考价值 -prepared using MFC, the functions are : i. Open 256-color BMP image file formats : ii. the Fourier Transform Image : iii. histogram equalization : iv. Image median filtering v. Image Edge Detection vi. Geometric Transforms vii. Huffman coding View : viii. histogram View ix. Huffman compression method used to compress images and generate compressed files another lesson based papers and important module flowchart. There will be some reference value
Platform: | Size: 848896 | Author: 斯蒂芬 | Hits:

[Special Effectshistogram_balance

Description: 直方图均衡化,matlab做的,大家可以下载分析,便于图象处理编程学习-histogram equalization, Matlab done, we can download analysis, image processing program to facilitate learning
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘学 | Hits:


Description: 这是我自己写的一个Matlab原代码:直方图均衡化,另外送上别人写的一种算法,给大家比较,接下来我还想写一种能强化细节的自适应直方图均衡法。。请大家多多指教-that I wrote an original Matlab code : histogram equalization, and send the others to write an algorithm for the sake of comparison, the next one I want to write details can be enhanced adaptive histogram equalization method. . Please exhibitions. .
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 天路 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmyimageprocess2

Description: matlab实现直方图均衡化,直方图匹配,邻域平均,局域增强,中值滤波-Matlab histogram equalization, histogram matching, neighborhood average, local enhanced Median Filtering
Platform: | Size: 1067008 | Author: 天才 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsLab7.4-Dm642_Image-Histogram

Description: TI DSP DM642图像处理程序,---直方图均衡-TI DSP DM642 image processing procedures,--- histogram equalization
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: 文煜 | Hits:


Description: histogram equalization using java
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: walaa | Hits:

[Special Effectshistogram-equalization

Description: 直方图均衡化 基本图像处理 bmp格式的图片-Histogram equalization, the basic image processing, bmp format images
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: 周斌 | Hits:

[Special Effectshistogram-equalization

Description: 直方图给出了一个简单可见的指示,可以用来判断一幅图像是否合理的利用了全部被允许的灰度级范围。一般一幅图应该利用全部或几乎全部可能的灰度级,否则等于增加了量化间隔。丢失的信息将不能恢复。-Histogram shows a simple visible indication, an image can be used to determine the reasonableness of the use of all the allowed range of gray levels. A map should be used generally all or almost all possible gray level, or equivalent to a quantitative increase in the interval. Missing information will not be restored.
Platform: | Size: 1049600 | Author: wangyanan | Hits:

[Special Effectshistogram-equalization

Description: Histogram equalization is a method in image processing of contrast adjustment using the image s histogram.
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: xuekunnan | Hits:

[Special EffectsHistogram--

Description: 数字图像计算灰度图及local histogram equalization-Gray-scale digital image computing and local histogram
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: qj | Hits:

[Special EffectsHistogram-Equalization

Description: 图形图像处理 使用部分子块重叠直方图均衡化的对比度增强方法-Image Processing An Advanced Contrast Enhancement Using Partially Overlapped Sub-Block Histogram Equalization
Platform: | Size: 747520 | Author: 米菲 | Hits:

[Special EffectsGray-histogram-equalization

Description: 灰度直方图均衡,使用VS2005+MFC-Gray histogram equalization,usingVS2005+MFC
Platform: | Size: 8739840 | Author: weitry | Hits:

[DSP program[Source code] Histogram Equalization with DSP

Description: IMAGE histogram equalization source code
Platform: | Size: 332800 | Author: 10bul | Hits:

[Special EffectsHistogram equalization

Description: 这是一个数字图像处理的直方图均衡化程序,附有测试程序和测试图片。(This is a histogram equalization program for digital image processing, with test procedures and test pictures.)
Platform: | Size: 998400 | Author: mecthew | Hits:
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